Once Upon A Book Club – Dallas

How do you say lunchtime book club with a splash?
Welcome to PattonBoggs law firm full of book reviewers! Mercy, Mercy me! They drilled me and thrilled me with their analysis and even fed me Pizza! But not without the hardcore press about Clare and Jared; if they don’t resolve their issues in the sequel I might end up with a price over my head. Well . . . stay tuned gals and the rest of ya! I’m working on it and I’m not telling, at least not until I figure it out myself! A very, very warm thanks!
Author Events
10/11/18 Arlington Public Library Book & Author Luncheon Festival
6/3/17 McKinney Square Book Festival
10/8/16 Indie Author Day at the Shuter Library of Angel Fire
10/13/16 Mystery Author Panel at the Wylie Texas Library
6/3/16-6/4/16 Arkansas Writer’s Conference
6/11/16 Wimberley Book Festival