Once Upon A Book Club – Wisconsin

It’s fair to say that I was not only humbled by this groups’ welcome and brief celebration for my new endeavor but I was buoyed by their intensity and the night of sharing. It would be 2 1/2 hours of enchiladas & flan & guacamole and yes lots and lots of wine before the book de jour was evaluated – oh yes; they still had a book review. Gracias for an exercise done with humility and integrity and with total respect for the author’s work no matter the disagreements.
Looking for a good send off as a new author – something that’ll give that oomph to keep on trucking through the dark days when the words don’t flow perfectly or the reviews aren’t always glowing – figure out a way to get invited to this Wisconsin group – club del libro de mujeres hispaneas. As the saying goes “eat your dessert first”.
Author Events
10/11/18 Arlington Public Library Book & Author Luncheon Festival
6/3/17 McKinney Square Book Festival
10/8/16 Indie Author Day at the Shuter Library of Angel Fire
10/13/16 Mystery Author Panel at the Wylie Texas Library
6/3/16-6/4/16 Arkansas Writer’s Conference
6/11/16 Wimberley Book Festival